Booking - Sport & Atlethics

You can book sport halls and atlethic facilities here.

Booking manual

Username: guest 
Password: guest

The guest login gives you access to the system, in which you can see all existing bookings and place your own reservations.

If you wish to book facilities: 

  • Click on the requested hall/area under "grupper" (groups).
  • Click on the requested time next to the requested room or court in the calendar. A new window will then appear.
  • Select the date you wish to reserve.
  • Select the timeslot you wish to reserve. You can choose timeslots between 08.00 and 24.00.
  • Select the requested room.
  • Fill out ALL the boxes marked with *.
  • It is important that you state the exact purpose of your booking. What is the activity?
    In the "kommentarer/spørgsmål" box you can specify any requests. You can also tell us if you wish to book more than one room or court.
  • Remember to click on "send ansøgning" to complete your inquiry.

Please note! Web bookings are only inquiries!

Your reservation is not valid until you have received a confirmation from Forum Horsens.

If you wish to host an event, please send an email to